Tagane Team @ Vietnam

Zingiber zerumbet

Hibiscus tiliaceus

Memecylon ovatum


Tagane Team conducted a survey in Vietnam
Tagane Team conducted a survey in Vietnam from June 29 to July 12, 2024.


A Field Guide to Fishes of the Thailand Mekong

A Field Guide to Fishes of the Thailand Mekong

A result of fish research in the Thailand Mekong is now available as a field guide.

A Field Guide to Fishes of the Thailand Mekong (82.2MB)


International students to Japan are now eligible for CGF Programme

We have revised the CGF programme aiming at young scientists in developing countries, and international students enrolled in doctoral programs at Japanese universities can also apply. For details, please refer to the CGF programme page.

Northern Thai Fishes

A Field Guide to the Northern Thai Fishes

Results of fish research in northern Thailand is now available as a field guide.

A Field Guide to the Northern Thai Fishes (13.7MB)


Non-marine mollusks of Batanes Islands

Findings of Dr Gizelle Akiate Batomalaque's research project "Biodiversity and conservation assessment of non-marine mollusks of the Batanes Group of Islands, Philippines" has been published as a poster.


The sea cucumbers in Palawan, Philippines: a field guide

Dr Jean B. Jontila's 10-year work on sea cucumber has been published as a field guide under Publication Programme.


banner for "Fishes of Indochinese Mekong"

Fishes of the Indochinese Mekong

Restuls of NEF's project on fish fauna of the Indochinese Mekong 2006-2011 is available as a guidebook.

Fishes of the Indochinese Mekong (e-book)


Fishes of the Mekong Basin of Laos

Fishes of the Mekong Basin of Laos

Results of fish research in Lao PDR is now available as a field guide.

Fishes of the Mekong Basin of Laos (223MB)


Fishes of the Cambodian Freshwater Bodies

Fishes of the Cambodian Freshwater Bodies

Results of fish research in Canbodia is now available as a field guide.

Fishes of the Cambodian Freshwater Bodies (35.6MB)

Fishes of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Fishes of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Results of fish research in Vietnam is now available as a field guide.

Fishes of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (PDF 76.8MB)


Fishes of Mainland Southeast Asia

Results of fish research in the Mekong - Chao Phraya region is available.



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Tagane-Laos Team presented a paper (2024.07.26)

A Laos team led by Associate Prof. Shuichiro Tagane (Kagoshima University) published a paper in Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany). The author and title are listed in the Project Reports & Deliverables of Plant diversity assessment in limestone karsts in Laos and Vietnam in Our Projects.

Thismia javanica, a newly found Thismiaceae in Laos

Tagane Team conducted a survey in Vietnam (2024.07.17)

A team led by Associate Prof. Shuichiro Tagane of Kagoshima University had conducted a survey in Vietnam from June 29 to July 12, 2024. The details are posted in the Main Activities of Plant diversity assessment in limestone karsts in Laos and Vietnam in Our Projects.

Announcement of new Board Members (2024.07.11)

New Board Members from July 5, 2024, are published on Board Members page.

Announcement of evaluation results for Research Grant Programme 2024 (2024.07.11)

Among 35 applications submitted by April 2024, 14 of them, which fulfilled the criteria and followed the instructions, were reviewed. After careful examination, four applications were awarded. The list of granted research projects is posted on Recently Awarded & Deliverables.

Bangladeshi scholarship student's workshop held at BAU, Bangladesh (2024.06.21)

NEF Bangladesh Committee held a student workshop at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) on 18 May 2024. For information about student workshops, please check here.

Tagane-Laos Team presented a paper (2024.06.03)

A Laos team led by Associate Prof. Shuichiro Tagane (Kagoshima University) published a paper in Phytotaxa. The author and title are listed in the Project Reports & Deliverables of Plant diversity assessment in limestone karsts in Laos and Vietnam in Our Projects.

Nymphanthus namkadingensis, a new species of Phyllanthaceae from Laos

A new entry to the publication list - Research Grant Programme (2024.05.31)

We have updated the list of research articles derived from the funded projects and posted it to Recently Awarded & Deliverables.

Visit from the Secretariat, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. (2024.05.21)

On May 17th, Dr. Musonda Mumba, the Secretary General and Dr. Boem-Sik Yoo, Senior Advisor-Asia/ Oceania visited the office of NEF with Ms.Kaoru Sakai, Ministry of the Environment, Japan, and we discussed future cooperation related to Nagao Wetland Fund (NWF). For the details of NWF, please check Other Grant Opportunity.

Dr. Mumba (third from the right), Dr. Yoo (very right)

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